Sunday Report
Archdiocese for Years Kept Allegations of Abuse from Police
Church also let accused priests flee, say documents, interviews
But Mahony has been relatively aggressive in dismissing clergy
By Glenn F. Bunting, Ralph Frammolino, and Richard Winton
Los Angeles Times
August 18, 2002
[See also the profiles of 33
accused priests with photos, and essays on four of the priests: Revs.
Nicolas Aguilar Rivera,
Michael S. Baker, Theodore Llanos, and Carl Sutphin.]
Faced with allegations that parish priests had sexually abused minors,
the Los Angeles Archdiocese under Cardinal Roger M. Mahony for many years
withheld information from police and allowed clerics facing prosecution
to flee to foreign countries, internal records and interviews show.
At the same time, Mahony has been more aggressive than many U.S. bishops
in dismissing members of the clergy. According to newly obtained information,
the cardinal quietly removed 17 priests from ministry during the last
decade who had either admitted or had been credibly accused of molesting
In recent months, as the Roman Catholic Church has struggled to contain
the clergy sex abuse scandal, Mahony has taken a stance as an outspoken
reformer on a mission to oust all sex offenders from the priesthood.
But an examination of sexual abuse cases during his tenure in Los Angeles
since 1985 shows that the archdiocese also worked to keep a growing problem
from the eyes of the public and the hands of the law. The Times examination
Five parish priests fled the country and one disappeared after learning
of complaints that they had sexually abused underage victims. Two of the
clergymen left after a top aide to Mahony informed them of allegations
and a third was told to join the priesthood in the Philippines. Of the
six, two are fugitives.
Police complained in two cases that church officials had hampered criminal
investigations by refusing to cooperate. In one inquiry, Long Beach police
say, they were turned away from archdiocese headquarters when they asked
for help. "The door was shut in our face," said Long Beach Det. Randi
Castillo, a 26-year veteran who led an investigation in the mid-1990s
of a popular pastor who allegedly had molested at least 10 altar boys.
"This was absolutely something I had never encountered in all my years
in law enforcement."
Cardinal Roger M. Mahony and the archdiocese are bracing for possible
indictments of 15 current and former priests, sources say. Photo by
Wally Skalij, LA Times. |
Two convicted sex offenders were allowed to continue serving as priests
for years before Mahony dismissed them in February in response to the
growing furor over clergy sex abuse. Both priests resided at parishes
within walking distance of Catholic elementary schools, where administrators
and parents were not informed of their criminal backgrounds.
The archdiocese has agreed to four out-of-court settlements totaling
$9.2 million since 2000. The archdiocese's share of the cost was $3.7
million. The agreements included confidentiality clauses to keep the sexual
abuses secret.
The archdiocese routinely failed to report errant priests to authorities
until 1997, when a new California law compelled clergy to disclose all
allegations of sexual abuse of minors. Before the legislation was passed,
a top aide to Mahony discouraged at least three alleged victims from going
to police.
Now, Mahony and the archdiocese are bracing for possible indictments
of 15 current and former priests on felony sex charges, according to law
enforcement sources. In addition, the archdiocese is facing a class-action
suit, filed last month, seeking millions of dollars.
In a series of interviews, Mahony said the archdiocese has worked closely
with law enforcement on a wide range of issues over the years and that
authorities have long known about nearly all of the sexual abuse cases
involving priests in the Los Angeles Archdiocese. The allegations were
often reported to police, Mahony said, by therapists, teachers and victims
"There was no sort of policy on my part that we would not cooperate with
law enforcement," the cardinal said. Because reporting was not mandated
until 1997, "this was not an area of responsibility for the church. We
always made sure that people knew that they themselves were the ones who
should make the report or should contact police. We also have cases, if
I might say so, where the police didn't do much about it either."
Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley called Mahony's characterization
"The historic culture of the archdiocese in cooperating with local law
enforcement has been inadequate and flawed," Cooley said. "Morally, the
archdiocese should have been the first to step forward on behalf of victims
and actively cooperate with law enforcement regarding known instances
of clerical sexual abuse."
33 Alleged Abusers
Based on a review of internal archdiocese records, police reports and
lawsuits, The Times identified 32 parish priests and one deacon who, since
Mahony's arrival in 1985, have been accused of molesting minors. Seven
of the clerics were dismissed by the cardinal in February, six fled, three
have been convicted of sex crimes and 17 are under criminal investigation
by law enforcement. The Times examination also included more than 100
interviews with church officials, law enforcement authorities, alleged
victims and their attorneys.
Mahony, 66, sat down three times in recent weeks for a total of nearly
five hours to discuss his actions in the clergy sex crisis as leader of
5 million Catholics in the nation's largest archdiocese. Two lawyers and
Mahony's spokesman were also present. Partners from Sitrick & Co.,
the public relations firm recently hired to assist the archdiocese, also
provided information for this article.
"There was no sort of policy on my part that we would not cooperate
with law enforcement," Mahony says. Photo by Wally Skalij, LA
Times. |
As archbishop, Mahony oversees about 1,100 priests and 287 parishes in
Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. The cardinal said he
hopes to put the scandal behind the archdiocese and is eagerly awaiting
next month's opening of the $200-million Cathedral of Our Lady of the
Angels in downtown Los Angeles.
"I want the truth out. I want this thing dealt with," Mahony said. "But
I also want people to know we haven't been just sitting around, either,
for 15 years. We've learned a lot the hard way.... What I'm trying to
do is learn from all of my mistakes and try to make sure this never happens
Mahony said the handling of molester priests has evolved over the years
as church leaders acquired a greater understanding of how to deal with
the problem. He said that all priests in the archdiocese found to have
molested minors during the last decade were either dismissed or suspended
from their ministerial duties. His staff now takes immediate action, including
informing law enforcement, when it learns of sexual abuse allegations,
he said.
"Looking back at it, sure, knowing what we know today, we would have
picked up the phone and called [police] on every single case that ever
came along, just to double-check," Mahony said. "We didn't do that, but
[we weren't] trying to hide anything."
The cardinal has refused to disclose the names of priests he removed
from ministry, citing privacy concerns. Of the 17 who were dismissed over
the past decade, seven were let go in February after clergy sex abuse
became a national scandal.
Only one of the 17 was kicked out of the priesthood, and another has
applied to be laicized, a formal termination process that requires the
pope's approval. In all of the cases, Mahony took away the priests' authority
to wear clerical garb and administer the sacraments, including the right
to say Mass in public or hear confession, archdiocese officials said.
Most of the priests are living on their own or with family members; some
continue to receive monthly stipends and other benefits, the officials
When asked about his involvement in responding to cases of sexual misconduct,
Mahony said he was often uninformed and preoccupied with other issues.
In the interviews, he said he had been stunned to learn of a number of
critical decisions by top aides who report directly to him.
For example, Mahony said he had no knowledge of complaints by Long Beach
detectives that the archdiocese had blocked police efforts in 1994 and
1995 to investigate reports that Father Theodore Llanos had sodomized
young altar boys. The cardinal said he did not learn of the concerns until
The Times recently submitted questions in writing to him.
"I was appalled, to be honest with you," he said.
Yet the police complaints were familiar to Mahony's advisors and parishioners
in communities where Llanos served. They were reported in the Long Beach
Press-Telegram and prompted a Dec. 7, 1994, three-page letter to the newspaper
by Father Gregory Coiro, Mahony's spokesman at the time. Coiro wrote that
the archdiocese had launched its own investigation, offered counseling
to victims and advised them to report accusations to police.
The archdiocese for years elected not to report allegations of sexual
abuse against priests because victims frequently were reluctant to go
to police, Mahony said. Lawyers for the archdiocese also took the position
that church officials were not required by law to disclose accusations
by adults who came forward to report sexual abuse that had occurred when
they were minors. These people, the lawyers said, had been informed that
they could report allegations to police on their own.
That practice changed earlier this year as the clergy sex scandal boiled
over. Mahony ordered his top aides to turn over to police the names of
priests suspected earlier of engaging in sex crimes years.
"If we don't, today, 'consult' with the [LAPD] about those three names,
I can guarantee you that I will get hauled into a grand jury proceeding,
and I will be forced to give all the names, etc...." Mahony wrote March
27 in one of a series of confidential e-mails leaked to the media. "If
we don't take immediate, aggressive action here--the consequences for
the [archdiocese] are going to be incredible: charges of cover-up, concealing
criminals, etc., etc."
Dioceses throughout the country have received no specific guidelines
from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on what kinds of information
should be reported to authorities.
"We just assumed that, if it was a question of a crime, the stance of
the church was not to back away or cover up, but to cooperate," said Bishop
John F. Kinney, of St. Cloud, Minn., chairman of an ad hoc committee on
sexual abuse from 1993 to 2000. Mahony also served on the panel.
Accused Priests Flee
Since Mahony became archbishop, at least five priests who faced accusations
of sexually abusing minors have fled to foreign countries.
One of the fugitives, Father Tilak Jayawardene, allegedly molested a
17-year-old boy on four occasions, beginning in October 1990, at the rectory
of Incarnation Church in Glendale. The teenager, who planned to enroll
in a Catholic seminary, reported the alleged abuse about a month later
to a teacher. He also met with then- Msgr. Thomas J. Curry, the vicar
for clergy from 1986 to 1990 who supervised all priests in the archdiocese
and reported directly to Mahony.
On Dec. 4, 1990, Curry informed Jayawardene of the allegation, told him
he was no longer welcome in the archdiocese and urged him to go home to
Sri Lanka, law enforcement and archdiocese sources said.
"I do understand that you will be returning as soon as possible to Sri
Lanka, and I wish you well for the future," Curry wrote Jayawardene the
next day on archdiocese stationery.
An attorney for the archdiocese, J. Michael Hennigan, said authorities
were not notified because the teenager "emphasized very strongly that
he did not want either the police or his mother told."
Said Glendale Police Sgt. Kim Lardie: "That the church would have him
leave before contacting the Police Department ... greatly upsets us."
On Dec. 13--several days after Jayawardene departed--the teenager walked
into the Glendale police station and reported the alleged crime, Lardie
said. Prosecutors are still trying to extradite Jayawardene, who was charged
in 1991 with six counts of committing oral copulation on a minor.
Mahony said he had no involvement in urging Jayawardene to leave. "I
wasn't, to my recollection, consulted or knew anything about it," he said.
Curry, whom Mahony has since promoted to bishop of Santa Barbara, referred
questions to his attorney, Brian Hennigan, a former federal prosecutor
who specializes in white-collar criminal defense work at the law firm
of Irell & Manella and is not related to J. Michael Hennigan. Although
he declined to discuss specific cases, Brian Hennigan insisted that Curry
had never acted on sensitive matters involving priests without Mahony's
"Decisions were not made in the dark, and there weren't things that Cardinal
Mahony found out about after the fact," Brian Hennigan said. "There was
an ongoing dialogue when problems arose."
Curry also played a key role in the handling of other priests who disappeared
while facing accusations of sexual abuse, documents show.
In 1988, he met with Father Nicolas Aguilar Rivera regarding allegations
that the priest had molested altar boys in two parishes. During the meeting,
Aguilar told Curry that he planned to leave the country soon, according
to archdiocese sources. By the time the archdiocese reported the case
to police two days later, Aguilar had fled to Mexico City. Aguilar, 60,
was subsequently charged with 19 felony counts of committing lewd acts
on a child and is still being sought by U.S. authorities.
Curry also sent letters urging Father Santiago Tamayo to stay in the
Philippines after he fled rather than face allegations of having had sex
with an underage girl. In a lawsuit, the girl accused Tamayo of inducing
her to have sex with six other priests in a period of four years, until
1982, when she became pregnant.
"It is not advisable that you return at all to the United States," Curry
wrote Tamayo on Dec. 28, 1987. Lawsuits "can only open old wounds and
further hurt anyone concerned, including the archdiocese."
Curry wrote again on Aug. 26, 1988: "I was surprised to learn ... that
you are in the Los Angeles area. I am requesting that you return to the
Philippines promptly."
The letter, which was copied to Mahony, also explained that the archdiocese
would continue to provide a monthly stipend to Tamayo. The priest returned
to Los Angeles in 1991 to issue a public apology to his victim. He died
in 1996.
Curry, in a brief interview in Santa Barbara before he retained an attorney,
said: "I don't know that I was asking him to hide out. I'm telling him
that it wasn't a good thing for him to be here, given all the damage that
he had caused."
Mahony said he "never became informed about the Tamayo case fully. In
fact, I still don't know much about it. All I know is, we don't want anyone
coming to this archdiocese who's got a problem. We want 'em out of here."
The cardinal said he has no authority over a parish priest visiting from
another country or religious order, such as Jayawardene and Aguilar, once
the cleric is removed from service in the archdiocese. "All he has to
do is get in a taxi and head right for LAX, and he's out of here," Mahony
said. "That's part of the difficulty with those guys, and makes it very
difficult for us to manage them."
The cardinal said he has written numerous letters to Rome and bishops
in foreign countries, raising concerns about the status of priests who
fled. Mahony said the archdiocese now cooperates with authorities to confiscate
the passport of any visiting priest suspected of sexual abuse.
Yet two parish priests convicted of sex crimes in the 1980s were allowed
to continue serving in the ministry until Mahony dismissed them earlier
this year. Parishioners and parents were not told about the criminal histories
of Father John Wishard and Father Gerald B. Fessard, according to interviews
and archdiocese officials.
"Back then, it was the feeling of the archdiocese that the convictions
were simply one more factor in the whole process," said one archdiocese
Fessard, 56, was convicted in 1987 of separate counts of committing lewd
acts in a public place and battery on a minor. He received three years'
probation. Archdiocese records show that, after his conviction, Fessard
resided from 1991 to 1994 at St. Luke Church in Temple City, adjacent
to a Catholic elementary school.
Wishard pleaded no contest in 1980 to a felony charge of oral copulation
on a minor and was sentenced to five years' probation. He was ordered
to get psychiatric treatment and prohibited from being in the presence
of minors without a supervising adult. A judge terminated Wishard's probation
in 1982, the felony was reduced to a misdemeanor in 1991 and it was later
dismissed. He was assigned to parishes with elementary schools nearby
in 1987-89 at St. Genevieve in Panorama City and in 1993-97 at St. Mary
of the Assumption in Santa Maria, according to archdiocese records.
Principal Carmen Vadillo said she was shocked to learn that Wishard had
been arrested for sexual abuse. "I'm sick to my stomach," said Vadillo,
who was a teacher at St. Mary when Wishard was a senior priest. "I could
go my whole life without hearing this."
Wishard and Fessard were among the seven priests removed by Mahony in
February. The cardinal said he regretted that he had not dismissed all
of the priests in 1992.
Mahony emerged in recent meetings with Pope John Paul II in Rome and
U.S. bishops in Dallas as a forceful advocate of changes in the church's
policies on sexual abuse. The cardinal frequently appeared on television
and at news conferences to promote strict policies requiring the immediate
removal of all sex offenders from ministry.
Mahony said much of the language contained in a "zero tolerance" policy
approved by U.S. bishops in June is based on programs that he implemented
over the years in Los Angeles. Moreover, he vowed in Dallas that any bishop
who covered up such misconduct by reassigning priests should find it "impossible
to remain in office."
Mahony deserves credit for taking "pioneering steps" in 1992 when he
began removing priests from ministry who were credibly accused of molesting
minors, said Mark Chopko, general counsel for the U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops. "He has been very much upfront and public about dealing openly
and effectively with sexual misconduct issues," Chopko said.
In 1992, he recalled, Mahony was the only bishop willing to initiate
a dialogue with victims of sexual abuse who were protesting at an annual
bishops conference in Washington.
After listening to the victims, Mahony told fellow bishops that the session
had been "one of the most moving experiences I have ever known." He said
that the Catholic Church must "show herself as a loving, caring and healing
church and not as a legal obstacle protecting errant priests at all costs."
But some alleged victims contend that Mahony has offered them little
more than lip service over the years.
"How he looks at himself in the morning is beyond me," said Lee Bashforth,
who, with his brother, is suing over allegations that they were sexually
abused by a Los Angeles Archdiocese priest. "There's not an ounce of genuine
remorse for myself, my brother and scores of other victims."
Mahony has succeeded in cultivating a public image as a reformer, but
his "level of deceit parallels that of Cardinal [Bernard] Law," said Jeffrey
R. Anderson, a Minnesota attorney who has represented more than 400 victims
of clergy sexual abuse nationwide and filed the class-action suit against
the Los Angeles Archdiocese.
Mahony said comparisons with Law are unfair. He said the practice in
Boston of reassigning priests who had previously received treatment and
offended again had not occurred on his watch in Los Angeles.
The cardinal said that the sex abuse scandal has taken a heavy toll on
him personally.
"I don't sleep at night because of it. I don't go two, three minutes
a day when this [isn't] in my mind," he said. "It's dreadful."
Mahony's Record
For nearly all of his 27 years as a bishop, first in Stockton and then
in Los Angeles, Mahony has been forced to deal with cases of sexual abuse
by priests.
As bishop of Stockton, he inherited the case of Father Oliver O'Grady,
a parish priest who had admitted years earlier to molesting an 11-year-old
girl. In 1984, O'Grady told a therapist that he had sexual urges toward
a young boy. Mahony sent O'Grady for evaluation to a local psychiatrist,
John C. Morris, who said the priest had a "severe defect in maturation"
and suggested that "perhaps Oliver is not truly called to the priesthood."
Mahony promoted O'Grady to serve as pastor of a rural parish, where he
molested three victims, including a baby girl who suffered vaginal scarring.
O'Grady was later convicted of 21 counts of felony sexual abuse and served
seven years in prison before returning to his native Ireland. A jury in
1998 awarded two O'Grady victims a record $30-million judgment, which
later was reduced to $7 million. Jurors said in interviews that they had
found Mahony untruthful in his testimony and held him responsible for
allowing O'Grady's pattern of abuse to continue.
"He didn't act soon enough or strong enough," said juror Laura Utterback
of Stockton. "He didn't remove the problem. He just kept hiding it."
Until now, Mahony has not commented publicly on the case. "I felt the
jury was wrong," he said. "I was flabbergasted that we were held accountable,
because I thought we took extraordinary steps to make sure there was no
problem." The precautions included sending O'Grady to therapy and ordering
a second psychiatric evaluation, the one performed by Morris.
Shortly after Mahony moved to Los Angeles in 1985, he said, he discovered
that his predecessor, Cardinal Timothy Manning, had no written guidelines
on how to handle reported molestation cases. Mahony said he directed his
staff to begin drafting policies.
The first guidelines, adopted in June 1989, called for the archdiocese
to have a priest who faced credible allegations undergo psychiatric evaluation
and to rely on therapists to help determine future assignments.
Mahony said this approach changed in 1992 after the arrest of Father
Richard Allen Henry, a parish priest who was later sentenced to eight
years in prison for sexually abusing four boys from the same family.
Records show that the archdiocese posted Henry's $30,000 bail, paid for
his therapy and declined to announce the reason for his departure from
Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Paramount. At the sentencing hearing,
a top Mahony aide asked the judge to free Henry on probation.
Still, Mahony said, the Henry case persuaded him that the archdiocese
could no longer rely on psychiatric treatment to rehabilitate priests
who sexually exploited children. "It was very clear from '92 on, there
was only one course of action and that was, these guys had to go," he
In 1992, according to Mahony, the archdiocese implemented two sweeping
reforms: a zero-tolerance policy that removed from ministry any priest
found by the archdiocese to have abused a minor, and the creation of an
advisory panel to review cases of sexual misconduct and make private recommendations
to the cardinal.
Copies of the sexual abuse policy show that no changes in language were
made in 1992. Revisions were made in 1994, 1996 and 1997, but they made
no mention of removing clerics from the priesthood if they were found
guilty of molesting minors. Instead, these policies specifically permitted
Mahony, on the basis of "advice from experts in the field," to return
to ministry priests who had sexually abused minors.
Nonetheless, Mahony followed through on his initial commitment in 1992
to begin removing priests who were credibly accused of molesting minors,
attorneys for the archdiocese said. Some of these cases involved older
priests who were forced to retire. They include an 81-year-old monsignor
who suffered a heart attack and is disabled, a 74-year-old parish priest
who was institutionalized in 1997 and a 62-year-old cleric who never returned
after being sent out of state for treatment.
It was not until February of this year that language requiring the removal
of any priest found to have molested a minor was added to archdiocese
policy. Mahony was forced to adopt a written zero-tolerance policy as
part of a $5.2-million settlement that the archdiocese and the Diocese
of Orange negotiated last year with one abuse victim, Ryan DiMaria. This
agreement led Mahony to remove the seven priests in February who had been
accused of sexual abuse before 1992.
Mahony said that he began thinking last summer about the need to take
action against the seven.
"I really need to be able to stand on the pulpit and look at the people
of this archdiocese and say, 'I can assure you as humanly as possible,
there is no priest out there who has abused a minor,' " he said. "I said
I can't do that, but I'm going to do it and we're going to make this change.
So we bit the bullet."
Critics charge that Mahony is reinventing history.
"I've never heard of any significant policies, procedures or statements
made by Roger Mahony until most recently when he tried to ... create some
sort of illusion that he is or was some great innovator in the area, which
he is not," said Father Thomas Doyle, a former canon lawyer who co-wrote
a confidential 1985 church report on sexual abuse that warned U.S. bishops
of a looming crisis.
Mahony acknowledged that he had concluded only recently that priests
who exploit children no longer deserve the title "father."
His greatest regret, Mahony said, is waiting until earlier this year
to remove from ministry every priest who had engaged in a single act of
sexual abuse of a minor, even if it occurred decades ago.
"If we're going to have the church safe for children and young people,
[the policy] has to be absolutely tight and foolproof as possible," he
said. "There is no room for exceptions."
Mahony's Inner Circle
Cardinal Roger M. Mahony has relied on these trusted aides to help the
Los Angeles Archdiocese manage cases of sexual abuse by priests since
1985. Each served as vicar for clergy, the administrator who oversees
1,100 priests.
Bishop Thomas J. Curry,
59, ordained in 1967. Vicar for clergy from 1986 to 1990. |
Monsignor Timothy J. Dyer,
54, ordained in 1974. Vicar for clergy from 1991 to 1995. |
Monsignor Richard A. Loomis,
56, ordained in 1976. Vicar for clergy from 1996 to 2000. |
What the Scandal Means to Mahony
'The overwhelming devastation of individuals and families--I've become
much more aware of that in the last few years. The expression "sexual
abuse of minors" simply does not describe the appalling, monstrous
things that have happened to these young people. I'm just horrified at
this whole thing. And so, one case for me is too many.'
'The outreach to the victims only becomes complicated when you've got
victims suing the archdiocese. That makes it very difficult for the pastor
and the victim to meet, because then everything is subject to depositions.
Even if you pray with them, that is a complication.'
'The healing ... is not going to happen until the last cancer cell is
out of the body. If priests are indicted and some end up in prison or
whatever, that's going to be very sad for them, for the church. But if
that is required to move beyond, that's what we're going to have to go
through ....'
'I never wanted to be a bishop. I love being a priest, and I have found
with victims the opportunity to be Father Mahony....[They] don't teach
this in the seminary, how to deal with sex abusers. So, the opportunity
to begin again to work with people pastorally is my greatest joy.'
'The personal burden of this has been great. It's running in the background
of my mind all the time....You get the
cross that comes your way, and this obviously for
me is a very heavy cross. But in the midst of all of that, I have to
looking beyond it, and what I see is my determination that our church
is safe for children and young people and everybody, and victims are cared
A Range of Opinions About Mahony's Response
'The historic culture of the archdiocese in cooperating with local law
enforcement has been inadequate.... Morally, the archdiocese should have
been the first to step forward on behalf of victims....'
Steve Cooley, Los Angeles County District Attorney
'The Los Angeles Archdiocese was way ahead in the late 1980s, when Mahony
started making major changes.'
Don Steler, Los Angeles criminal attorney who represents priests
'He claims he cares about victims. I think the greatest disappointment
is his nonresponsiveness.'
Mary Grant, head of the Los Angeles chapter of the Survivors Network
of Those Abused by Priests
'Clearly, the guy calling the signals was Mahony. He and his attorneys
set up this policy of cover-up and denial.'
Paul Griffith, of Long Beach, whose son was allegedly abused by Father
Theodore Llanos
'He's supposed to be the shepherd of the Catholic Church in L.A., and
he has a pedophile on staff. It's incredible.'
Andrew Cicchillo, alleged victim of Father Carl Sutphin, who lived in
the same rectory as Mahony for six years
'He has been very much a leader and a pioneer' in dealing with sexual
misconduct issues.
Mark Chopko, general counsel for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Key Settlements
The Los Angeles Archdiocese has negotiated $9.2 million in major out-of-court
settlements in recent years with victims who said they were sexually abused
by four priests.
JUNE 2002
Father Clinton Hagenbach -- $1.5 million
Monsignor Michael Harris -- $5.2 million*
APRIL 2002
Father John Lenihan -- $1.2 million
MAY 2000
Father Michael S. Baker -- $1.3 million*
*Cost shared with Diocese of Orange
Note: Amounts do not reflect cost to archdiocese after insurance coverage.
Source: L.A. Archdiocese, court records and Times research
Times researchers Nona Yates and Cecilia Barrera also contributed to
this report. |